Part 69: A Sudden Turn Of Events

Yep, he's still here. He's a patient bastard, I'll give him that.

Aw, how cute. He thinks he's important.

Nicolai keeps laughing, but he slowly staggers back to the vault while he does so.

He slams his hand against the door.

He draws his sword.

And with that, Nicolai attacks...

...the door of the vault while everyone else stands around with their thumbs up their asses.

The door opens.

Well, there goes the laser containment system. Now who are we gonna call?

It's about friggin' time.

Nicolai transforms into Astaroth for this fight, which has a much cooler design than Asmodeus. Cooler boss music, too.

I used Miserati, since s/he's new. Unfortunately, Miserati is kind of scrawny and doesn't take up enough space to trigger a free Combo. Nuts.

I spend the first round casting Arc spells: Gale, Rage and Barrier (Astaroth has some nasty magic attacks).

Namely Bright Crest and Meteor Fall.

Not that it helps him much, considering that a successful 4-man Combo takes off nearly 2/5 of his health.

Beating up a 15-foot tall eldritch horror with a frozen tuna will never not be funny.

Karin gets in the last blow. I like how that worked out.

She also stole his sword. (Inventory screens for the loot will be posted in a later update.)

Nicolai staggers up to his feet, having regained his human form.


Yuri is happy to oblige and slowly approaches Nicolai, but he suddenly stops short.


Kato what the fuck raises his hand toward the vault.

The doors slowly begin to close.

The seal is restored.

*THUMP* again.

Kato moves slightly, placing himself between Yuri and Nicolai.

Yuri steps forward anyway.

He doesn't get very far.

Um, he's not next in line, he's a bastard. Propping him up as the heir in opposition to the Tsar's legitimately born son and daughters is an act against Russia, since it would basically be an attempt to incite civil war.

Also, one of said daughters is standing right there, you insensitive dick.

Kato does have a point. Everyone did kind of just let Nicolai monologue instead of attacking him right away. On the other hand, if Kato saw the whole thing, which he seems to imply, why didn't he stop the vault from opening? Or at least close it as soon as the fight with Astaroth started?

Yuri rushes the man who used to be his friend.

And BAM! Back-up dancers out of nowhere!

Yuri catches Kato's spell right in the chest and is flung backwards. I almost feel like I've seen this somewhere before.

And then they disappear.

But not without taking Nicolai with them.

Our heroes are left behind with one burning question...

And so ends the first half of SH: Covenant much as it began: with action, drama and a profound feeling of "What the hell just happened?".